Saturday, September 2, 2023

Wednesday Posts Only


Unknown girl with mourning ribbons and photograph
of a soldier

I began this CivilWarQuilts blog in 2010 to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the beginning of the terrible rebellion. I had no idea I'd find so many women's stories (most associated with quilts).

Sampler applique from a Jeffrey Evans Auction

I see I have done 1,130 posts since then, usually a woman's story on Saturdays and a pattern on Wednesdays. At the beginning I thought I'd keep this up for a year or two until I ran out of stories. 

But 16 million American women lived through that war. I'll never run out of stories.

An old collection of my Civil War repro prints

One reason to maintain a Civil War Quilts blog was to give readers ideas on how to use all those Civil War reproduction fabrics I and other designers were creating at the time. But few accurate mid-19th century prints are being produced today.

 (If quilters don't buy; shops don't order; companies don't produce.)
You've all got plenty of repro prints.

And I am trying to cut back on my sitting at a computer---writing blog posts certainly kept me entertained during the pandemic lock-down. Now there are other things to do besides sift through digital genealogy records so I am going to cut back on the number of posts each week. I've been posting Saturdays & Wednesdays. From now on just Wednesdays.

Thistle Tomo of Japan makes tiny versions...Her Atlanta Garden miniatures

I'll still be creating block of the month programs, probably both pieced and appliqued every year (each accompanied by historical tales.). Patterns posted on Wednesdays. And I'll still be doing short posts on women's stories and showing readers' progress on the BOM series.

But maybe I'll get more sewing done!

Look for a story about a very interesting woman next Wednesday.


Helenchaffin said...

I luv all my blogs that I follow but absolutely luv yours,I have always luved History,you pour out so much knowledge of the History of quilts & fabrics & the lives that stand behind them,for me your blog just can't be scanned with a quick hello ,it requires downtime with coffee & savoring every sentence 😁

Barbara Brackman said...

Aah, Helen thanks.

JustGail said...

Your blogs are on my lists of daily reads. The amount of research for each post is awesome, and I've learned a lot. Not just about quilt history, but about the lives of the overlooked stories of the women who lived during the Civil War. The fallacies shattered (Underground Railroad signal quilts), the idea that *all* quilts were made from worn out garments (garment industry cutoffs sold by the pound, more purchased fabrics than thought), all quilts were made by women working by candle light at home (quilt tops made for sale, made by slaves, quilting for hire, etc.), the shenanigans of quilt contests (Chicago World's Fair contest controversies), fascinating stuff!

Enjoy the extra "you" time with cutting back to one post a week!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Thanks for all the blog posts over the years. It's interesting to learn about how others were, way back during the Civil War.

gleessa said...

Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us, and enjoy your extra stitching time.

Lois W said...

Thank you for your generous time and talent for sleuthing out wonderful stories about women! I have loved reading your blogs and will look forward to your weekly post. Enjoy your time sewing, heaven knows we never have enough time!!

Danice G said...

Yes, thank you for all of the knowledge that you share, and for the beautiful repro fabrics that you create. It really is difficult to find genuine repro fabrics these days for sure. Back in 2010, your blog was one of the first that I began reading and following. Looking forward to many more years of learning from your posts.

A Quilting Mainer said...

Thank you for giving us an update on your post frequency. I still enjoy your BOM along with the interesting historical data you share. Have fun sewing more.