Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Next Year's Civil War Block of the Month

Antebellum Album
2018 BOM

We are working on next year's BOM to be posted as a free pattern here at the Civil War Quilts blog.

The blocks will be pieced, drawn from designs popular for Antebellum Album quilts like this sampler found in the Connecticut project.

Antebellum is old-fashioned Latin for Before the War.

These signature quilts were a fashion after 1842, made by a generation of women who grew up before the Civil War to find their adult lives significantly different after 1861.

Unknown students and teachers, perhaps 1850s

We'll see them as schoolgirls and follow them into the 1860s and after.

School in Bardstown, Kentucky, 1860s

The narrative will focus on the cross-cultural influence of women's schools when Southerners traveled north for education and Northerners traveled south to teach.

I've asked four friends to piece the models and they've been busy. Becky Brown's planning some fussy-cutting from a romantic stash of reproduction pinks and blues

Mark Lauer is going to make two sets. One in red, green and yellow

Me--- I have set aside a stash of madder-style browns, reds, pinks
and oranges in the hopes that I'll have time to actually stitch
after I get all the patterns and stories written.

Denniele Bohannon is also doing pink and blue but with a very
contemporary slant.

Pat Styring's modern take includes "wordy"
fabrics in keeping with the school theme.

And Mark's second set will be pieced in reproductions of the black-ground
neons popular about 1910.

It all starts on January 31, 2018---the last Wednesday of each month.

Amanda Donohoe, Philomont, VA
signature on an 1849 Baltimore Album block.


Wendy Caton Reed said...

I'm looking forward to this one. I did not do Yankee Diary so it is time to get back into it! I love both of Mark's fabric choices and please tell him that if he needs more neons (real and reproduction) to let me know and I will send him some. Many of our wonderful Blog world friends shared their neon stashes with me for my current project and I am more than happy to pay it forward. Happy Thanksgiving.

Jeanne said...

I'm already looking forward to this! Piecing -- thank you :) Thinking about soft blues and tans ...

WoolenSails said...

That is a beautiful quilt to reproduce, will be fun seeing the different versions.
I am hoping to catch up this year on old projects that i put off.
Happy Thanksgiving!


Judy said...

I began Yankee Diary and would like to do this one. I’ll see what I can find.

Kerry said...

Loving all the colour choices - looking forward to seeing the blocks.

MaryC said...

I'm looking forward to it! I *do* love samplers!

Rosa said...

I enjoy seeing the differents fabrics combo!!

Nancy T said...

I've been following your blog for a while now. I think it's time to participate in your B O M for 2018. The story behind it sounds very interesting as well. Can't wait! Thank you, Barbara.

cityquilter grace said...

this sounds terrific! i am thinking of jo morton fabrics for mine...not sure which colorway i'll choose...maybe double pinks and neutrals?

Kristi said...

OOoh! How fun! I've been wanting to make a cheddar and blue quilt!

Susie Q said...

Hummm.... now where did I put that carton of your black-ground
neons ??? I have yards and yards and yards of that special fabric.

Beth French said...

Oh, Barbara, I didn't think I would do next year's BOM, but of course, now I must! So tempting. No idea what fabrics I will use.

Anonymous said...

C est tres tentant,une fois de plus je ne peux pas résister,Et je me lance avec des chutes en bleu et rose.
Merci Barbara

MARIE Helene said...

Comme c est beau,allez une fois de plus je me lance dans l aventure.Ce sera en bleu et rose cette fois
Merci Barbara

Donna said...

Really would love to join in wuth this one. Many thanks Barbara

Donna said...

Has it already started Nancy?