Sunday, January 2, 2011

1 Catch Me If You Can Blocks

People around the world have gotten right on this project. Barbara in Kuala Lumpur has finished the first block.

And so has Tazzie in Australia.

Susanne in Germany

And Karen




Maria said...

I'm ready to finish it up and post a picture in my blog, thanks

Barbara J said...

Thanks Barbara for putting up my block! Very chuffed indeed.

krisgray said...

Beautiful blocks! This may become my BOM for the year and use up some FQs I have been collecting.

Mary L. said...

I'm definitely in on this!

Das Quiltmonster said...

Hello, I am Regina from Germany! My husband brought me from California (he visited our daughter) some FQ from the serie "Charleston V". When I found your blog today at once I thought: that's it! The first block is nearly ready! I think it is a great idea from you, thank you!
Much love from Regina

Liz said...

I just found you and now I'll have to join :o) I like the block of the week format, off to sort some fabric..

Marianne said...

Love the blocks others are posting. I hope to get started on mine tonight!

susis quilts said...

dear barbara,i love your idea very much,and i am proud to be within,i think just we women can avoid those wars,if we really want to,thanks a lot,susi

Sharon said...

Barbara, thanks for the great blog and the block...mine is done!

Tamera said...


sewprimitive karen said...

Looking forward to the next one :-) !

Sandy F said...

That sounds like so much fun. I am in! Thanks

quiltcat said...

thats will be a great quilt, I am also like to make it.
mg elfriede

Agatha said...

What a fantastic idea!!! Thank you for sharing your knowledge about the CW history and its Patchwork!! This will be my BOW (Block of The Week) for 2011! Greetings from Italy!!!

Rosemary Youngs said...

I finished my block this morning, looking forward to the next one. Thank you so much for sharing your blocks and Civil War history with all of us.

AnneElizablog said...

Thank you, Barbara. I knew I wanted to make something to commemorate the Civil War Sesquicentennial and this is perfect. I made the first block and posted it on my blog.

terry said...

Wasn't going to start anything new untill ufos started shrinking. But love your civil war narration and of course I had to join. Have already done the first block and am looking forward to the next. Don't know if I'm going to mix up colors or stick with my first block palette which is madder browns. Will wait to decide. Thanks for your gift.

Terry in So. Calif.

Julia said...

I'm joining in too...just love the CW block and everything I can learn about the history of the blocks..
I'm wondering if anyone is keeping a uniform background fabric..
Julia ♥

Sheila said...

Love the new blog. I am such a fan of yours and the work you have done in the quilt world. Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment on my blog - you will never know how thrilled I was!!!
Sheila Holland

Cathy said...

Thank you. I love genealogy and quilting so appreciate your work in this area. I finished my block and posted it on my blog and I am looking forward to more stories and blocks.

Thanks again,
Cathy L

Tazzie said...

How exciting to see my block up there in lights, thank you so much! I'm really looking forward to the next block. Can't wait!

Ann J said...

Finished my block yesterday ! Couldn't possibly resist joining in this one - thank you for sharing.............Luv Ann (Brittany,France)

Anonymous said...

I bought some fabric during an end-of-bolt sale thinking I would do some type of sampler. The fabrics are not reproduction/Civil War, but it will be a fun challenge to do 52 blocks over the year. Thanks!

Here's my post on my block:


Linda in IN said...

could this be done in PDF format so we can take it to the sewing machine with us?


ql said...

I absolutely love this project. Thank you for setting it up.

Here's my first block.

Anonymous said...

got mine done tonight. such a nice quick block.

on my flickr

Miriam said...

Thank you for this new blog. It is a great opportunity for me to learn some American history.
I love seeing all the blocks everyone has made so far.
I made my block a couple of days ago and there is a photo on my blog. I have used The Morris Workshop fabrics for my block.

Pam said...

This is going to be a wonderful project to follow this year. Thank you so much. I am thrilled that Tazzie directed me to this blog. I have the first block completed!

Colleen said...

Just stumbled this and will follow this project all year. Thank you for sharing the block and the history story. Very interesting quilt along/read along!

Frances Leate said...

I love your blog and and am very interested in Civil Way history. I have finished my first block and will put it up on my blog tonight. Thanks for doing this.

Jeanne said...

Hi Barbara,
Thanks for the new blog, and for the blocks! My first one is done -- pic here:

Jeanne in California

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this! I loved the first block, finished it yesterday, and can hardly wait for the next one. This one is on my calendar, scheduled in for every Monday! I'm looking forward to the new line of fabric, too.

joelleW said...

wonderfull, i'm going to sew with you! I love reproduction quilts!Joelle from FRANCE

Valerie Z said...

What a wonderful project to look forward to this year! A trip to the quilt shop for your new fabric line is a must.....Looking forward to each week's new block and the story that accompanies it! Thank you!

Gea said...

I'm joining in too
I loved the first block and can hardly wait for the next one
Thank you for sharing the block and the history story
Gea in Holland

Alice said...

I am not a quilter, but I have the greatest admiration of the craft! I am an avid reader of history and will continue to follow your blog to acquire more Civil War stories and admire the quitling!

Jocelyn said...

Thanks Barbara. I am joining in. I've posted my first block on my blog.

Xina said...

Thank you so much for doing this! I've done BOMs in the past but was so bored...I think a BOW will be FUN!! I've made my first block...although not in civil war prints...but from my stash...need to bust that stash down! :) Either this quilt will be a stunning quilt or an ugly one! ha! Husband said he would take an ugly one since there aren't ugly quilts out there. :) Again, thank you!

Wonky Girl said...

This will be so wonderfully fun and I'll try to keep up. Wish there was a place for everyone to put their block pics, I love seeing fabrics others are using.
Thank you for sharing the history stories, really like that part too.

Jayne Honnold said...

Found you earlier in the week. Have mentioned and linked you in my blog. Have made 2 blocks - one by hand, one by machine. This looks like it will be a fun little quilt-along! Thanks for all you do to make the history come to life! I love it! Jayne

Diane said...

I made my block and I am really excited about this project you have started. I thik this will be great fun.

Satu said...

This is a wonderful blog! Thank you, Barbara. I will follow regularly and try to sew some of the blocks too! My first one (I minimized it little, it's 61/2") is ready now and I'll put the photo of it to my blog. Winter greetings from Finland!

Kate said...

Block #1 is done- off to make Block #2. Thanks Barbara for a fun project!
I put my block on my blog here:

Rose said...

I have also made Block #1 and I'm doing Block #2 today. I have some material that I have been hoarding for a long time that will work out well in this project. BTW, this is first internet block project that I have joined. Only wish I knew how to post pictures.

Francis Smith said...

What a wonderful blog. I found it by researching Columbia. Thank you for posting the fabric with the Hail, Columbia music on it! If you have any images of Columbia I would be very grateful if you were to let me know of them. Your Liberty figure is interesting too--could possibly be Columbia, too. I wish you the best in your work and communicating with the public about it! (And as I am rather making a request, please do feel free to delete this comment and reply back channel--or indeed, not reply, as you see fit! I couldn't find an email for you.) All the best, Francis

Claudia Hieber said...

wonderful pictures..but I don't know,how to upload it!