Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Cassandra's Circle Applique Quilt: Free Patterns

Becky Brown's Cassandra's Circle 
Blocks 1-13
Finished in beautiful fashion!

Each month in 2020 you got a free pattern on this blog for an appliqued block for Cassandra's Circle.

Here's a link to a post on fabric & sets.

Below are links to the 13 pattern posts.

Mckenna's #1 Washington's Plume
for Mary Chesnut

Carla's Washington's Plume

Lisa's #2: Mulberry Wreath for Mary Boykin Chesnut 

Rebecca added more stuff, as did many readers.
A better balance.

Wendy's #3: Palmetto for Louisa Cheves McCord
9" Block

Susannah's Palmetto

Becky's  #4:  Texas Star for Charlotte Wigfall

Pat adds and revises to good effect.

Dorothy's #5 Russian Sunflower for Lucy Pickens

Karrin's Russian Sunflower

Maureen's #6 Briar Rose for Varina Davis

Beth's Briar Rose

Valinda's #7 Wild Rose for Maggie Howell

Peggy's Wild Rose

Debbie's #8 Cotton Boll for Molly

Denniele's #8 Cotton Boll

Dorothy's #9 Lost Love for Buck Preston

Christine's #9 Lost Love

Becky Brown's #10 Carolina Rose for Miriam DeLeon Cohen

Beth's #11 Charleston Star

Maureen's #12 Alabama Rose for Virginia Clay Clopton

Christine's #13 Dixie Rose for Isabella Martin
Prepped and ready to sew.

If you'd rather buy the patterns as a PDF here's a link to my Etsy shop:

And join our Facebook group to see progress on the last two applique BOM's:


  1. Thanks for the eye candy. So delicious!

  2. How super - especially Becky's Texas Star fussy cutting for the feathers/leaves. They could be either - very well done.

  3. I never tire of seeing these blocks and hope to make one in red and green. Time ... I want more time! Thank you for the inspiration.
