Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Mountain Laurel Sampler

A virtual quilt out of 20 of your versions versions of Block #6
Mountain Laurel. I put this up on our group page.

Robin Koehler showed one Polly Mello had just had quilted at Bellweather DryGoods. A sampler of red and greens. She appliqued a double dogtooth border around the edge. Lovely traditional take.

A sampler of Mountain Laurel blocks is a good idea. Simple applique, lots of fabrics. If you used the official pattern you've got room in the center for a sampler of birds.

I added birds to the center of some of your blocks:
Birds in the Laurel Bush
Eight birds I've copied from antique quilts. If you print them out on an 8-12/" x 11" sheet they MAY
fit in the center of an empty Mountain Laurel.

The Facebook Group:


  1. Oh, I LOVE our sampler! I'll be adding my bird when I get home :)

  2. Oh, thank you! Love those birds!

  3. They look so pretty altogether too. Gorgeous colours. Well done peeps. I love this pattern - thank you Barbara.
