Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Ever Widening Squares: Block 11 Variations

Susan V

Susan's spectacular inking on Block #11 fills the center spot in
the square in a square in a square.

Ever Widening Circle by Becky Brown
There are other ways to do that. Becky broke the center square into
four fussy-cut triangles.

Marsha B did traditional inking.

Mark used an eye-catching print.

The pattern gives you a square in the center

Big Lake Quilter

Don't forget that good design gives the eye a resting place too.

Judy C

France A

But Erica wanted to use more fabric so here's one
more ever-widening version. The square on the center is on point.

Here's Martha C's.

Denniele's blue version

The pink version

Denniele added another go-round and hers has five ever-widening squares
positioning the center on the square.

That's the look that Carrie wanted so Denniele posted her pattern measurements on our FaceBook page.

The center black square is cut 3 1/2". 
The light pink square is 4 1/4"..cut twice diagonally.
The next black square is 3 7/8" ...cut once diagonally. 
The dark pink square is cut at 7 1/4"...cut twice diagonally. 
The last black square is cut at 6 7/8



Sara's Civil Quilt

Paula framed a circle in the center.

Below is a group quilt stitched by the Sewhatevers at Sarah's Fabrics. Just to confuse you
the blocks are set on point. It's the same pattern as the official #11.

Everybody sewed, but color, fabric and placement were 
overseen by Carol Gilham Jones & Sarah Fayman.

Antebellum Album FaceBook page


  1. I love them all! Becky kills me with her fussy cut stripe and amazing matching seams. I couldn't even do that with a pen!
