Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Denniele's Innovative Set

Next week: The Last Block

Denniele has made two sets of blocks for the Antebellum Album. She's set her blue version medallion-style, a square in a square: 12 blocks in the center plus and empty square (for an inscription or some fancy quilting?)

Strips on the design wall

Then a chain of triangles around the edge in the Lexington Belle pattern, Block 9.

Lexington Belle

Shaded in reverse
Here are her directions.

On her design wall.

Here's the finished top on the design floor.

It's at the quilters now.
Becky Collis is doing some beautiful work.

A little artistic Photoshopping

See her Louanna Mary FaceBook page:


  1. Thank you Barbara for giving us the blocks, the stories, and the freedom to take them where our hearts want to go! You are the best!

  2. Denniele does such great work! I love her innovative quilt! Great bold use of rich colors!
