Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Pat's Westering Women

Pat Styring sent a photo of her finished Westering Women sampler.
She added some free-form floral applique---
Broderie Perse---to the blocks.

And stitched the name of each block in the sashing.

She says:
"Each month I looked forward to the new block. Had 'Road to California' not been the name of the last block I might have had space for 'Westering Women' on the front too. Thanks for the fun of thinking about my Nebraska Pioneer ancestors as I sewed."

The words are appliqued by machine with
raw edges....

Something Pat seems to be quite good at.

Love it!


  1. Yes, such a beautiful quilt. I am still working on quilting my Westering Women Way West :)

  2. This is really a beatiful hand work!
    I haven't quilted mine yet, still working in other projects that could have been already finished.
    Good job, Pat!

  3. Pat is an accomplished quilter and does beautiful award winning quilts that are a joy to behold!

  4. Pat is one of those really talented people who does incredible work. Her creativity never ends.

  5. Great job Pat! I love the appliqued block names. Very clever.
