Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Label for Westering Women

Brenda reminded me that I hadn't made a label for your Westering Women quilts. So here it is.
The black box is about 3" x 4-1/2".

I used an image from a cowboy-themed feedsack with a wagon drawn by horses. I liked the look but remember those westering wagons were pulled by oxen.

To Print:

  • Create a word file or a new empty JPG file. 
  • Click on the image above. 
  • Right click on it and save it to your file. 
  • Print that file onto pretreated fabric.
Ellen at LittleJewelQuilts
Ellen's top is done. 


  1. I finished my last [extra] Westering Women block last week and was thinking that you had not made a label for us. Thank you! Now looking for Baltimore Blues paisley stripe for my sashing, love the color. Prob have to go with a Cambridge Pike calico instead. Thanks again for an informative sewalong.

    lizzy at gone to the beach

  2. Thank you. Mine isn't done yet but at least I have a label, hehehe! ;^)

  3. Barbara, about the label you said "pretreated fabric", what do you mean? What I have to do to treated fabric? Also, can I print the label on a regular printer? I would love to use you pattern to make the label for my quilt.
    Thanks! ☺️

  4. Rina-do a web search for

    pretreated colorfast fabric

    You can buy it or you can buy a product to make it yourself. I think it's formaldehyde that makes the fabric colorfast.
