Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Buying Paper Patterns for Yankee Diary

 I know some of you are at a contretemps with your printer.

As a former special education teacher I have long believed that offering you free quilt patterns on the blog would motivate you two to get along. You'd become a more sophisticated citizen of the 21st century. I wouldn't have to spend hours in a page layout program trying to get the 4" pattern to print 4".

But I am giving up.

If you want to buy the paper patterns for the Yankee Diary BOM through the mail I am offering the patterns in three sets of four throughout 2017 in my Etsy store.

NOTE: I will still post them as free patterns on the blog here starting tomorrow, January 25.

January through April are available now for $10 (includes US Postage). You get 7 sheets, 8-1/2" x 11", black & white with pattern pictures, cutting and sewing instructions. Plus a little bit of the Yankee Diary story. A very little bit.


You'll get the patterns before the other blog readers do. Don't spoil their surprise---unless they beg.

You can also buy the first four patterns in a downloadable PDF for $6 at this listing and print it yourself---but this involves a truce with your printer.


One reason I don't do these as PDFs on the blog is I have no cloud to post the PDFs on.

Whine, whine, whine.
Too much work.

Every time I float them on someone else's cloud the cloud changes and the URLs are no good anymore. Plus it's more work to make a PDF than it is to just give you a JPG.

 But I am bowing to overwhelming public demand. Two or three of you have requested a PDF and several have asked for paper patterns or a book(!) No book.

The PDFs are easier to save on your computer than a blog post. You can save the paper patterns in a notebook.

I'll post the next 4 patterns (May-August 2017) at my Etsy shop in May, 2017.
I've also made PDFs and paper patterns for BOM's from earlier years.
Westering Women and Threads of Memory.
Look in the pattern department at my Etsy store.

You can tell your printer you won.

I'll post the Etsy Shop links each month with the patterns.


  1. Hi Mrs. Barbara,
    Probably I didn't understand, what do you mean? aren't you going to post the pattern each month?

  2. Rina. I will continue to give free patterns on the blog starting tomorrow. But I am also offering two other ways to get the patterns.

    Are you ready to sew in Sicily?

  3. Oh yes, I'm ready to sew! Thanks a lot, Barbara (can I omit Mrs.?), and while waiting for the new BOM, I played with my fabrics and made a "Bird in the Air" block ; ))
    Greetings from Sicily 🇮🇹

  4. Please eliminate the Mrs. In the US we are very casual.

  5. Hmm I ll give my printer one last chance tomorrow! But the etsy paper patterns are a great alternative, thank you!

  6. I'm so looking forward to the challenge of keeping one step ahead of my printer. Bring it on! Fabrics are washed and ready for day one tomorrow (Wednesday).

  7. So nice of you. Thank you Barbara. Looking forward to seeing the first block instructions later today :)

  8. Love the photos and share the despair over printers - mine kept going offline and it was months before I realized it was a connectivity thing and finally got Comcast to come and fix problem. I also appreciate pdf to ave patterns so thanks for persevering!

  9. My printer and I get along just fine but I sure did enjoy today's blog!!

  10. Well that's telling em. LOL A great solution for everyone. I still have to finish a couple of past offerings, but will be very interested to follow along on this one too

  11. What kind of critter is it in the last photo? (I thought a Tasmanian devil, but the ears are too big.)....And thanks for the pattern option.

  12. Nann I dunno, some kind of African dog. I once had an English Setter who could smile. Dachshunds don't have enough lips.
