Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Your Personal Shopper: Civil War Repro Prints

For years I've been saving pictures of quilts and fabrics from the past. Now instead of adding them to my computer's memory (or my own personal brain) I pin them to my Pinterest boards.

Late 19th-early 20th c; Pennsylvania.
The Christ Collection

These are all from my Past Perfect: Chrome Yellow page

Antique block

When I see an accurate reproduction print for quilts I've been pinning those too.

Inspired by Susan McCord, print to be delivered in 2017.
The Henry Ford Museum has a repro series.

Online auction. Pennsylvania colors. Is yellow the neutral
or is there no neutral?

Chrome yellow repro prints aren't often offered. A lot of people won't buy yellow.... Remember, It's not our taste, it's theirs we're trying to copy. 19th-century quilters loved chrome yellow.

From Sunny Boy Sam by Dover Hill.
The circa 1900 ditsies are the easiest to find.

Earlier print from the 1820-50's,
Harder to find repros for this era in chrome yellow.

I've also been doing a guest blog for the Fat Quarter Shop. Every other week we do a Flashback Friday on repro prints currently in stock. See the first post here:

We've got one scheduled for this Friday.


  1. Lately I've been buying the chrome yellow repro fabrics whenever I find them. It's one of those colors (like poison green) that while I don't really care for, when I see the old quilts, I can't fathom what other color would have worked so well.

  2. Surprise, surprise! I AM that one in a million person who adores chrome yellow. In fact, it is my favorite color, reproduction or not. Thanks for sharing this great color.

  3. I absolutely adore the chrome yellows and greens, and get them when I see them. I love how they jump out and shout "look at me" in old quilts, and it makes me wonder what the maker was thinking when she/he used them! Thanks for sharing!
