Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Thread Peddler Club: Civil War Women's Sewing Circle

Jane at Stitch by Stitch posted this Instagram
photo of a Civil War Sampler she quilted

Here's a great club idea from the Thread Peddler Shop in southern Missouri. They are starting a
 "Civil War Women's Sewing Circle" that meets monthly,  using my Civil War Sampler book for the patterns.

"This is a cutting class only and you will bring in your Civil War fabric scraps for exchanging with the "Civil War" women in attendance. We will go through the book and cutout 4-6 blocks per class. There are 50 blocks to the quilt."

I like the fabric swap idea.

Two posts from Silvia at silk_100


  1. Fabulous. I've never heard of a cutting class only. That would definitely speed up the progress of the quilt. Brilliant idea.
