Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Block 2 as a Quilt

Indian Territory
I Photoshopped all the Block 2 (Indian) posts from the
Flickr page that were done in repro prints
and sketched a quilt.
A scrappy quilt.

Every other block is rotated 90 degrees.

I used this print (Lidian) from Old Cambridge Pike for the border.

Here are some of the blocks.

I like these blocks with triangles along the edges

Because they make Flying Geese when 
you set them side by side.


  1. Love this block, it's a good way to showcase an interesting fabric in the center. Funny that I never noticed the Flying Geese. That's a secondary pattern that would be fun to play around with. The fascinating thing about quilts is their infinite design potential.

  2. Love the way you Photo Shopped the blocks for a quilt. I agree with Suzanne about the center of this block being a showcase. Such great blocks going for this quilt.

  3. GREAT looking blocks!! Maybe I'll have to fix my mistake!! vbg

  4. What a great quilt these blocks make when stitched together - I would not have guessed!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I enjoyed making this block very much! Thank you for showing me how a quilt would look. Now I want to make this one as a whole quilt!

  7. That's a very beautiful quilt !! With beautiful blocks !!
    Congrats ladies ! :)

  8. Love the Indian block in every fabric variation pictured!! I can't do this yet because of a prior committment but I am tempted to this summer after Maine Quilt Show is over!!

  9. What a wonderful idea. 'Never thought of this block as forming a whole quilt. Thank you for including my block :)

  10. These are gorgeous eye candy; thank you for once again tempting me!

  11. Bonjour Barbara, quelle belle surprise de voir ce montage avec nos blocs !!! j'ai trouvé le mien alors que je ne m'y attendais pas......c'est très surprenant !
    Je vais poster le 3ème bloc qui est magnifique lui aussi.
    Merci pour toutes ces bonnes idées, pour votre investissement, et pour tous ces cadeaux que vous nous faites ! Je suis déjà impatiente de voir le prochain boom qui débutera en Mai !
    Amitiés, Thérèse ( France )

  12. Wonderful! I'm still working on my third block. I will send you an email with pics attached.
    Greetings from Sicily.

  13. Such a great idea and all the blocks are so beautiful.Great job!

  14. How do I receive theses blocks ? This was forwarded to me.
