Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Counting Stars

Barbara S has made 190 stars in all.

About 95 stars from the other Barbara B.

In lurking about the blogosphere I notice a lot of people counting their stars.
And a few are making plans.

Jeanne's stars pinned to a curtain. 
She keeps various projects on various curtains and hangs them on a
 closet rod while
she's working on them.

Victoria C is alternating with an X block.

Gladi has her doll quilt done.

She's quilting on her crib quilt and planning her large quilt.

Keep checking our Flickr Group for stars and sets.....

And I'll keep lurking.

Did Barbara S. make the most stars- 190 (4 a week) ? Can you beat her record?


  1. Glad to see you lurking--I love this project! Thank you so much for all the wonderful info you give us.

  2. Thanks for sharing me! :) I have my blue stars in strips and ready for a top.

  3. Absolutely NOT. I will have to count mine when I get home next week. And I haven't yet decided how to set them. I like the "X" setting. I also liked the ones that were framed with just a simple strip all around. On point makes them bigger...
    What are you going to do??

  4. Thank you for honoring my layout photo here on your blog! I've had a ball making these blocks and now when I look at them, I say, "Oh, that's a Prussian Blue!", or "Oh, that one is a botched floral print!", or "That one is a fancy machine ground background!" Each block is a personal reminder of your wonderful teachings, thank you so much.

  5. Thanks again, Barbara, for a wonderful QAL. I just wanted to make sure I had enough stars for one large quilt but I have enough for two!

  6. What am I going to do says Randy. I have 6 stars. I spent my year writing----I'd rather write than sew anyhow.

  7. I loved making these stars. I learned so much and had such a great time looking through my fabric. I decided to make four of each as was a good hand piecing project for the year. I got behind during the summer months but I am almost caught up with only about 10 left to stitch. I haven't counted yet, but I should be at the 190 mark. Some of the weeks I had so many fabrics to choose from that I think I might have made some extras. I have decided to use them in two quilts...Sister Quilts I am calling them. The layout will be the same with different setting fabric (same print just different colorway). And I think they will be for my two girls. I can honestly say that if I hadn't decided to hand piece these stars I would have never got them done. It was so easy to sit down in the evening, watch a little TV with the family and make a block or two.

  8. I have my setting all ready to go after the new year I'll start putting them together! So many wonderful quilts already!! I'm not sure how many stars I have. I suppose I should count them.

  9. I guess I better get counting and doing a layout.
    I know I'm going to miss this sew along! Thanks again Barbara
