Saturday, September 14, 2013

Civil War Era Handwork

Lecturer Sojourner Truth
sold various carte de visite (CDV) portrait photos
at her public appearances. Above she is pictured with yarn from her work bag.

Her work bag is on the right here.
She is often pictured with something in her
left hand (viewer's left) because an untreated accident
during her days in slavery
left that hand paralyzed.

Looking for something to do at a re-enactment?

Another knitter in a cased photo
from the George Eastman House collection.

Handwork is always good.

From the LadysResourceCDV blog.
She posts pictures of interesting CDV's.

I'm guessing at the date of the pictures by the clothing,
hair styles and photo format.

Crocheting ?

This is one of those naive charcoal portraits, based
on a photo, very often very unflattering.
Crocheting? Hemming?
Is that a quilt?

A tintype of a woman showing off her needlework tools

I showed this last week. Two women posed with a sewing box.

Most of these pictures are copied from
online auctions. Here's a crocheter in tintype that I
actually won. 

But don't think it was all handwork.
Perhaps an advertisement for a sewing machine?


  1. Wonderful collection of photos. I know I saw some of my grandmother working on projects, if I could just figure out who has them.


  2. Barbara, I'd love some info on how the ladies, during the civil war era, may have approached quilting their samplers other than 1/4 inch outline of shapes was there any special designs used?

  3. It is fun to see what women are working on. I usually have a project in my hands but I have never thought of having a picture taken with a project in my hands. That might be a fun way to share your work with others.. Love reading you blog!

  4. The sewing machine that the woman is using is an early Wheeler & Wilson which stitches from left to right and has glass inserts in the presser feet. I don't use my machine like this one because the needles are no longer manufactured and very expensive.

  5. I love the pictures of the ladies with their handiwork. I believe it was expected for young ladies to learn a skill. It isn't that way anymore.

  6. the photo that's labeled "crochteting?"...maybe she's tatting?

  7. The bottom photo in this post is a relative of mine called Eliza Blackwell. It has been taken from my blog. She isn't even from the USA. She was English and this photo was taken of her in England and given to my family when they emigrated to Australia. I don't need it removed but it would improve your blog greatly as it really hasn't anything to do with the civil war. This is wear the image came from
