Saturday, July 27, 2013

Finishing Up the First Block-of-the-Month

Civil War Sampler
by Lori B
35 blocks
 Here are a few recent finishes to the Civil War sampler we started in January 2011, the first month of the sesquicentennial commemorations of the Civil War.

Lori used several large-scale patriotic prints and sashed it 
with the always reliable star/cornerstone pattern.

Civil War Sampler
48 Blocks
by Anita

She's finished hand quilting it and it hangs in the living room.

Peggerly's set is similar but in the opposite contrast.
Now, I might have shown you these before but I imagine you'll enjoy looking at them again.

Here is doniene's finished top with the sashing plus cornerstone set.

16 Blocks by Imaquilter Wis

Contrary to her name Msdolittle has her top done. She used the same set
Becky Brown used for her cover quilt.

Becky sent a picture of her Liberty & Union quilt
back home on its bed.
Want to see more finished Civil War samplers? Go to our Flickr page of Finished Projects:


  1. Those really look beautiful made up and they did a beautiful job on fabric selections.


  2. Hurray! I finally have my top done too minus the very outside borders which I might leave off while I hand quilt the rest this winter. I did some wool work in the center and just can't justify machine quilting it.

  3. I love your quilt. Beautiful color choses. I want to start one soon.

  4. The finished quilts look amazing they are beautiful. The fabric choices are perfect.
