Saturday, April 13, 2013

What's Up?

Amy at Lexington Quilter

Amy's using French General Prints

I've found many blocks from the Dixie Diary Block of the Month pattern up on the internet.


Karen at Breezy Point Quilts

She's making two using Jo Morton's Alexandria prints
On her blog she says she "got sucked into it." Yay! That's my job.

Pinkdeenster is incorporating scraps of old embroidery.

Kookaburra Calling has added a second layer to the applique,
which works nicely.

And WonesmartCookie has added 
another little something to the applique.

Those above are from our Flickr Group:

I also found a few posts on other blogs....

 CookiesCreek is using pink and brown.

Reems Creek Chronicles

Keep posting those pix!


  1. I love seeing other people's fabric combinations here and in your Flickr group. I get new ideas and perspectives. Thanks for inviting people to post their WIP.

  2. Thanks for choosing two of my blocks to share with everyone!! --Amy

  3. I started this as an experiment to see how well my grandmother's embroidery pieces would fit into traditional block designs. Thanks for conducting this BOM and allowing me to "play" with them.

  4. Thanks for the shout-out! You did suck me in--lol!
