Saturday, September 1, 2012

More Accomplishments

Linda H. fussy cut stars I think for her cornerstones
Basic Sashing for a Sampler
Strips and Cornerstones.
This is the same set I've planned for the new Block of the Week
Grandmother's Choice which starts today.

There are a lot of framed photo prints in this one.

Mieked's with a border of triangles
It's a classic and it works so well.

But of course, you might have your own idea---a strip around each block and then the sashing.

Sanguine Stitcher's strips are light.

CarmenMaria in Spain

Setting them on point is an option.


Adding star points to the sashing

Magpie Memories
Adding a lot more---corners and a sashing

Marge Pearson
Adding corners and alternating light and dark.


  1. I enjoyed seeing the different versions of quilts done with your blocks. I do like the triangle border and love the last one with the blues and browns, nice color combination.


  2. It just amazes me how creative people are! Those quilts are are stunning in their own right. Thank you for sharing them with us, Barbara!

  3. Wow - these are all really nice. I don't think I could pick a favorite. Love all of the different settings.

  4. They are all so lovely. I think it's great that everyone has made this collective quilt become singularly individual. Thanks for all you do to make my quilting journey more interesting.

  5. Thank You for sharing the lovely different Blocks. Have a nice Sunday.

  6. The blue and brown Civil War quilt is mine. With a better picture you could see a center block with a photo copy of the black slave, in chains, kneeling.

    Marge Pearson

  7. Beautiful quilts!
    I am loving seeing all the creative ways to set the blocks and the differents colours of quilts.
    Thank you Barbara for this great project.
    Hugs, Carmen María (Spain).

  8. Hi Barbara
    The ladies in my quilting class completed 23 quilts in the end. I have made a power point presentation of them all and would love to send you a copy if you can contact me. 10 of the quilts have been selected to be displayed in a National Quilt show here in the UK next August - with full credit being given to you and your fantastic blog of course! Hope to hear from you soon. Janet

  9. Wonderful colors! I love the way you combined it. It is nicely done. I really appreciated your hardwork. Thanks for sharing!

    marine finance

  10. Hi,
    Will you please post a link to your Blog at The Quilting Community? Our members will love it!
    Members include: Quilters, Quilting Enthusiasts, Experts, Bees, Circles and Clubs.
    It's easy to do, just cut and paste the link and it automatically links back to your website. You can also share Photos, Videos and Articles if you like.
    Email me if you need any help or would like me to do it for you.
    Please feel free to share as often and as much as you like.
    The Quilting Community:
    I hope you consider sharing with us.
    Thank you,
    James Kaufman, Editor
