Saturday, May 5, 2012


Sheila at her blog PetitePieceofthePrairie made 4" versions of the weekly blocks.
She is great at using digital imaging to keep track of her work.

As someone whose studio looks like this right now
 I can only say congratulations!

(That's actually not my dog and not my studio---but it could be---except that Dot stays out of the studio. Things keep falling. Too scary.)


  1. I wish you had told us it was your studio. I would have felt very good !

  2. oh man, now if that was fabric instead of books we'd be talkin'!

  3. I love it! Makes me feel so much better about the mess in mine even if it isn't yours! Happy Saturday!

  4. Please tell me that's not a real apartment. (But I do recognize the shopping bag from an NYC store.) I SWEAR it is not my studio either.

  5. Now I don't feel so bad, my room is not that messy, lol.


  6. I am very impressed by Sheila's organization/documentation of her beautiful little blocks.

    That room of books scares me. Does anyone have that much fabric in a room like that? LOL

  7. Hi!
    I am so excited that you visited my blog. You are a quilting hero of mine!
    I am sad to say that my organization ends at the computer and the rest of my life and sewing area aren't that neat. It's not as bad as the pic of the studio with the dog, but only because I have two cats!

  8. I had a room that looked like that once! Finally, I have cleaned up my act and have a studio. I actually got more done when the place was messy. Why is that?
    I adore Battle Hymn fabric line...
    And thanks for the referral to the minerature quilts...What talent!

  9. OK. I'm feeling better about my studio after seeing that!

    Love that photo journal!

  10. I need to show my husband that photo - he thinks MY room looks like a mess????!!!! HAH!

    Mary, you probably got more done because you had everything for your current project at hand. When you "organized" you probably organized too much. It's foreign to you, so you perceive it as being slower. When it's all around you, you can see it. When it's stored in a box somewhere, you have to remember WHAT box it's in.

  11. looks like my basement quity storage area, except my stuff is all in buckets and bags. Gotta get down there soon and straighten it up.

  12. My husband, who is a lawyer, says he once had to represent a man who's desk and office looked like this... He says the man could stick his hand into the piles and find the one piece of paper at a time in different areas that he needed ... lol

    Pretty quilts!
