Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Arty Antebellum Album Photos

Kay Gentry

I've been taking some glamour shots for next year's book 
on our Antebellum Album BOM

I got out all my props and invested in flowers.

Cindy Brouillard
Dottie (lower right) will probably not appear in the book

Dena Brannen

Without the bird

Dorry Emmer

Lynn Graff

Meliss Swenson

My photographs may never appear in the book but I'll use them for
publicity when the book comes out in 2020 (if I remember I have them.)

Thanks to you quilters for loaning your quilts.


  1. Meliss is so thrilled that her quilt might appear in the book. And, I think Dottie adds distinction to that photo and she should be in the book!

  2. Beautiful quilts and the quilting on them is super.

  3. Thank you for letting me participate. It will be so interesting to see the book.
