Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Tonko's Tiny Yankee Diary

Tonko's Block 9
Our Thoughts Are Intense

Tonko in Japan is keeping up with the Yankee Diary 
Block of the Month.

She doesn't convert my pattern instructions
from inches to centimeters. She just changes the measurement
3-7/8 inches = 3-7/8 centimeters

So a 12 inch block will be 12 centimeters across---about 4-3/4"

It's too much math for me to explain it further
but she works SMALL.

She posted a photo of Blocks 1-8 on her design wall.

When you work at that scale your design wall can be
quite portable.

See her Thistly Room/Mixed T blog here:

On the right side click on 
"Handmade: Quilts: Civil War Quilts" to see Yankee Diary
and several other BOM's she's working on.

And see some of her other YD blocks at this post:


  1. I absolutely LOVE!! Tiny is my fav, but oh those small applique' - bless her.

  2. Gorgeous! Her work is beautiful and inspiring! I love seeing others renditions of the BOM. I have my leaves cut out, but haven't had a chance to get them sewed to the background. Perhaps over Thanksgiving weekend!

  3. She is doing a beautiful job and love seeing her version of it.


  4. Some lovely things on her blog. The cats on a heated carpet were a fun distraction! Terrific tiny applique work. The cross stitch looks great too.
