Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Stars in a Time Warp: Gladi's We Are Stardust

Gladi Porsche. We Are Star Dust.
Gladi's goal is to finish hand quilting her Stars in a Time Warp
by January because she is having a one-artist show at the New England Quilt Museum.

A terrific appliqued border

You may remember our Stars in a Time Warp 
Quilt Along in 2015.

Gladi got into making stars from her stash of reproduction prints.
She made a crib quilt

and a doll quilt.

The Quilts of Gladi Porsche will be up in Lowell, Massachusetts at the New England Quilt Museum from January 10 to April 29, 2018.


  1. I can't wait for Gladi's exhibition. She is an amazing quilter. Her Time Warp quilts were among my favorites. Thanks for sharing.

  2. What beautiful interpretations of the design!

  3. Lovely! My blocks (and I did most every week) are still in a pile in the sewing room. :-(

  4. can't wait to see the exhibit! These are just lovely

  5. lovely quilts........hope it is finished in time..........

  6. So beautiful. Gladi's quilt should win definitely. I have had my quilt top done for a long time, and still plan to quilt it in 2018.
