Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Meanwhile at Another Blog

4 Janet Perkins

8 Jeanne at Spiral

Over on my Material Culture blog we are making hexies....

Barbara S at Gravestones
Above and Below

Check the Morris Hexathon every Saturday for a free Block of the Week

Some blocks are turning out traditional....

Some quite Morris-y

Above and below Nancy S.

Ilyse's #7

Lin at StVictorQuilts

Some not

Paula's #7
Some fussy cut

Bettina's #5

Dustin's #6

Dorry at ColvinKiwi - #4
Stitchers are using a lot of yellow

Lin's #7 at StVictorQuilts

Cheryl's #8

Yellow is always a good thing.

And I think Denniele is getting a handle on Christmas
with a seasonal I Spy quilt for some lucky grandchild.

Becky's #9

It's not to late to catch up. We just did Block #10 on Saturday.
There are 16 blocks to go---till Fall.
Here's a Pinterest Page with all the links:

Dustin's #4


  1. Thanks, Barbara! What fun it is to see everyone's hexies :)

  2. So much inspiration. Beautiful takes on a single pattern. Love the stripes.

  3. Smiling and waving -- thanks! :)

  4. Love to see all the different versions together. Dustin's stripes amaze me each week! This is proving to be a most enjoyable project!

  5. all of those morris prints make we swoon!

  6. How fabulous to see all this variety! The challenge of this hexie project is wonderful and I am so enjoying it. Thank you Barbara for keeping our brains active and our fingers nimble.
