Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Stars in a Time Warp Tops

Stars in a Time Warp by Kyle
Center medallion

Kyle's 72 stars with a French General border print and center block from Di Ford's Antique Wedding Sampler.

Now that it's March, 2016
 [Let's hear it for spring in the Northern Hemisphere!] 
you will want to finish your 2015 projects.

Or not. You might prefer to sit on the porch and read.

Well, anyway, here are some Stars in a Time Warp tops for inspiration.

Randy at Barrister's Block
56 stars

Sharon V

Sylvia at Treadle Stitches (Her second)

Maureen at Pursuit of Quilts

48 stars in a strip set.

Fun with Barb---finished

And Cynthia's at WabiSabi quilts is quilted and bound!


  1. It is amazing how the same blocks can look so different in these different settings. All the quilts are beautiful in their own way.

  2. It is wonderful to see al the different settings - what a fun year long learning experience - thanks again Barbara

  3. Thanks for including me in your show and tell today. It was an awesome project and learning experience.

  4. Yes, I do need to take my stars off the wall and start assembling them :)

  5. Way to go quilters. I love them all! Mine is in the works, I promise. Thanks for the inspiration.

  6. Thank you for continuing to inspire us with the completed tops and quilts!

  7. So much fun to see these stars coming together in such a variety of ways. Looking forward to seeing many more. . .

  8. How fun to see all the quilts together - each representing the quilter as well your wonderful inspiration for the year.

  9. I really appreciate seeing all these quilts even if I didn't participate in the making of the stars. It is truly fascinating how different each one is. Thanks for taking the time to share these with us. ;^)

  10. I love seeing all these quilts! So many wonderful settings. Thanks again Barbara for the year of stars and history! I am currently piecing my second stars in a time warp quilt!

  11. I love seeing what everyone did with their blocks. You need to update mine, though, with the borders on... I'm hoping to get it done tonight and posted...
    Thanks again for a GREAT project!

  12. all very nice renditions with stars! have not yet started my stars project but i know which pattern i'll be using....hope it turns out as nice as all these that have been posted!

  13. Spectacular quilts.Congrats to all the ladies.Love them all.

  14. Glorious inspiration, great work!

  15. Hal yang tidak pernah terbayankan kini jadi kenyataan kepada keluargaku,,,kusus untuk AKI ALIH kami ucapkan banyak terimakasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada aki. karena berkat bantuannya alhamdulillah keluarga kami bisa lepas dari hutang dan masalah, karena nomor “GAIB” untuk pasang togel, hasil ritual AKI ALIH memang benar-bener merubah nasib kami hanya sekejap,dan disitulah aku berkesempatan kumpulkan uang untuk buka usaha kembali,karena rumah juga sudah disita bank,,warung makan juga sudah bangkrut,,tapi itu semua aku masih tetap bertahan hidup dengan anak istriku,,walau cuma ngontrak tapi aku tetap bersabar dan akhirnya AKI ALIH lah yang bisa merubah nasib kami..maka dari itu AKI ALIH orang paling bersejarah di keluargaku…!!!jadi kepada teman-teman yang di lilit hutang dan ingin merubah nasib seperti saya silahkan hub AKI ALIH di nomor: 0823 1366 9888 atau dan dengan penuh harapan yakin dan percaya insya allah apa yang anda ingingkan pasti tercapai.ATAU KUNJUNGI BLOG

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  16. I owe my fascination of stars to you and your blog posts. The examples are indeed an inspiration. I have enjoyed seeing the many fabrics and settings in the time warp. Thank you.

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