Saturday, April 12, 2014

Yipes Stripes!

#1 by Becky Brown

I have never forgotten this advertising slogan for Fruit Stripe gum
about 50 years ago.

So when I check the Flickr page I often say "Yipes..."

#1 By Dustin Cecil 
Dustin's ticking vision has been inspirational.

He is using heavy weight ticking like for pillows.

Moda's Indigo Crossing Wovens by Polly Minnick & Laurie Simpson

I noticed Minnick & Simpson did a great line of wovens last year and
they have a quilt-weight ticking.....if you are inspired.

Here are a few of the striped blocks I've found on our Flickr page.
#1 By CLMTQuilter

#1 by Rosemary with sashing already begun.

Block # 1 with its frame around the star just asked for stripes,
mitered one way or the other.

#1 By Denise in Texas

#1 By KVMQ

#1 By Susan

#1 By RCCheryl

#1 By Terry at Honas52

#1 By SuzieK OzFarmer
Red and white stripes.

#2 By SuzieK OzFarmer
She's used stripes in Block 2 too.

#2 By Dustin Cecil
It's hard to even see the star here. The complexity is amazing.

#1 By Denise in Texas
I think Dustin inspired Denise too.


  1. They are all amazing but Dustin's just makes me stop cold and admire each month!

  2. There is a whole bunch of WOW! in this post. Each and every one is a beauty.

  3. I never liked stripes until I become a quilter and now they are favourite. Just love these blocks so I must go to Flickr and have a look.

  4. I love all the different versions, it is amazing how fabrics and patterns can change the whole look. I used to work with heavier ticking and now i have quilt weight but I prefer the mid weight ticking when I can find it, it is nice for quilts that get a lot of use.


  5. All these blocks with stripes are striking!

  6. Amazing work every single one of them. I'll visit Flickr and catch some stripes. It is always so interesting to see the same block made by different mind. Great mind I should add. Thanks for the mini show.

  7. it's a positive feedback loop. the scrap-loving pack rat in me makes it almost impossible to consider fussy cutting as a viable option. The wonderful stitchers in this group give me pause to reconsider. I have nothing but good to feel towards everyone one of them.

  8. WOW! Stunning usage of stripes and matching and fussy cutting

  9. Stunning photo`s and gorgeous fabric.
    Is it possible to tell from who the "wavy"fabric is that Betty used in the first photo ?
    Thank you

  10. I couldn't agree more with Dustin about what a wonderful group of stitchers this group is - always inspiring each other and pushing the boundaries of fabric choices.

    MARIANNE - here's a link where you may find the OLD STURBRIDGE VILLAGE wavy fabric.

  11. Todas las versiones son bonitas. Yo acabo de hacer el bloque 1 y de los que muestras, el que más me gusta el el de Becky Brown, es precioso. Gracias por estar en contacto, me gusta vuestra pagina, aún os conozco poco pero ya iremos conociéndonos más. Besos y hasta pronto.

  12. I need to know Becky brown's color scheme for ladies album so I can order border fabric. I am copying her blocks for ladies album fabric line. Thanks.

  13. This has been a wonderful post. I'm enjoying it all! I'm working on a center medallion setting and Ruth's quilt is an inspiration. The story about the thornton's took me to the book and I found some library resource information. For online reference and the block from flickr with stripes, wow!!! I just love all you do.

  14. That block #2 by Dustin is really off-the-charts amazing! Such precision! You'll have to tell him I love it and I've pinned it to my "Quilty Goodness" board on Pinterest (with proper credit, of course!). Feel free to follow me if you'd like:
